Friday 28 October 2016

UCD Open Day

This is a reminder that the UCD Open Day takes place next Saturday, 5th of Novermber, from 10.00am to 4.00pm on the Belfield Campus.

Date & Time: 5th November 2016 -  10.00- 16.00

Please see more info and register here

Trinity Maths Physics Open Days

Trinity Maths Physics Open Day

The Maths and Physics Open Day will take place on Saturday, 12th November 2016. The day features lectures and tours along with a chance to meet staff and students from both the School of Physics and the School of Mathematics. For more details and registration please see HERE

IADT Taster Day Wed 2nd November

IADT Taster Day.

Wednesday, 2 November.

Any interested 6th year students who would like to participate in a Taster Day at IADT on Wednesday 2 November in IADT will be able to explore our campus, talk to staff and experience firsthand our Entrepreneurship degree courses (DL701 and DL823) by taking part in one of our workshops.
Follow this link to find out more and register to attend your choice of workshop(s) -
There will be complimentary tea and coffee for everyone who registers to attend Taster Day.

Wednesday 26 October 2016

Trinity Computer Science 6th yr Shadow Experience

Any 6th yr interested in student shadowing experience at the School of Computer Science and Statistics, Trinity College Dublin be aware that they are hoping to run a shadowing experience in March 2017, dates have to be confirmed.

•  Computer Science leads to a BA Moderatorship and a Master in Computer Science (MCS).
•  Computer Science and Language (French, German or Irish) combines the study of Computer Science, linguistics and French, German or Irish and leads to a BA Moderatorship.
•  Management Science and Information Systems Studies (MSISS) is the study of management sciences, statistics and information and communication technology leading to a BA Moderatorship.
•  Computer Science and Business is a joint degree programme combining computer science and business management and leads to a BA Moderatorship.

If any students interested in participating please see Ms. O'Connor

Monday 24 October 2016

SAP NOW Recruiting for 2017 Co-Op Scholarship in Germany

SAP Ireland has launched its recruitment campaign for 2017. This is aimed at Leaving Certificate Students studying German and interested in a career in the IT sector. Students are paid for the duration of their degree. Students interested in learning more about this programme and SAP in Ireland are welcome to contact SAP at
Click here for full details.

UCD Computer Science Info Event 22nd November

UCD School of Computer Science is hosting an Open Evening for 5th & 6th year secondary school students, parents and teachers on Tuesday 22nd November 2016.
The purpose of the evening is to introduce prospective students to the opportunities available for studying Computer Science at UCD.
Talks by staff and graduates will outline what Computer Science is, the content of the degree programme and what life is like as an undergraduate in UCD. There will be talks on Computer Science careers, internships and post-graduate courses. There will be a chance to meet with CS staff and current students, plus demos from researchers on robotics,virtual reality and drones.
The programme and a map can be found here.
The event is free but booking is essential. To reserve a place, follow the link:
Event: UCD Computer Science Open Evening
Audience: 5th & 6th Years Secondary School Students, Mature Students, Parents & Teachers
Date: Tuesday 22nd November 2016
Time: 6:00pm - 8:30pm
Venue: Moore Auditorium, O’Brien Science Centre (East), University College Dublin, Belfield.
Enquiries: Mollie Murphy, +353 1 716 2483,

Thursday 20 October 2016

Monday 17 October 2016

NCAD Portfolio Information Sessions

NCADNCAD Portfolio Information Sessions – 5/8/9 November 2016

September 2017 applicants to first year studio-based programmes at NCAD are invited to Portfolio Information Session at the college’s Thomas Street campus on one of three dates in November. This is an opportunity to meet with other aspiring NCAD students, view successful portfolio applications from previous year and address queries around your portfolio preparation and presentation to First Year staff.

Product Design will host a separate talk for AD212 applicants during the Tuesday session.

These are free events but booking is required via the NCAD website here …

Friday 14 October 2016

UCD Open Evenings - Business, Science next week

Please be aware of two Open Evening information events in UCD next Monday and Tuesday for Business and Science respectively. Please register here

Wednesday 12 October 2016

Computer science careers event free tickets

Careerosphere are running a seminar on Monday week, October 24th at 7.30pm in the Talbot Hotel, Stillorgan that would be of interest to students who are considering a career in Computer Science. They have 5 free tickets for students of CBC Monkstown.

The talk will focus on software development and data science. Data science is a fairly new career area and may be of interest to students who are strong at maths. There will be two guest speakers - a software developer and a data scientist.

Please contact to book a spot, not forgetting to tell him you are a student from CBC Monkstown 

Wednesday 5 October 2016

UCD CAO Alert List


New Course Data Science DCU

DCUNew Course in Data Science

The BSc in Data Science, the first of its kind in Ireland, is aimed at students who are interested a career in Big Data, data analytics and related data science roles. ‘Data Science’ is the study of information – where it comes from, what it tells us and how to turn it into a resource for business, government and social strategies.  DCU is uniquely positioned to offer this course with proven strengths in computing, engineering, business and mathematics together with an enterprise-driven focus on innovation, applied problem solving and making a difference in the real-world.
The DCU BSc in Data Science is a unique programme focused on that combination of programming, mathematics and communication that creates valuable insight and professional expertise. The overall aim of the programme is to equip participants with the knowledge and abilities to enable them to apply the full spectrum of computing and analytical science and technology in the pursuit of discovering new information by identifying and validating patterns in data.

Special Entry Requirements:
H2 in Mathematics
BSc in Data Science (DS)
CAO Code: DC123
Duration: 4 years
For more information, please go to