IADT Open Evening - Wednesday, 13th January from 4pm to 7pm.
This open evening is mainly for
year students from second level schools, mature students, FETAC/PLC
students, repeat Leaving Certificate students, etc that are considering
applying to IADT for entry in September 2016, especially if they missed
or could not attend our November Open Days. Guidance counsellors,
teachers and parents are also welcome.
The open evening will also offer
5th year and TY students from second level schools the opportunity to start exploring their options in IADT.
Wednesday, 13th January 2016 (4pm – 7pm)
Talks Timetable
Time Talk Venue
4.30pm Portfolio Preparation A019
5pm Faculty of Enterprise and Humanities A025
(Entrepreneurship; Cultural Enterprise;
English, Media & Cultural Studies)
5pm Applied Psychology A021
5.30pm Creative Computing A021
6pm Portfolio Preparation A019
6pm Creative Music Production QS018
6pm Creative Media Technologies A021
6pm Faculty of Enterprise and Humanities A025
(Entrepreneurship; Cultural Enterprise;
English, Media & Cultural Studies)